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Behaviors of Confident People

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Behaviors of ConfidentPeople


Confidence is one of the most admired traits in people.  But how can we recognize the behaviors associated with confidence so that we can learn to behave in these ways as well?  Consider the following behaviors that can mark a confident person.  A confident person…

  • Believes in their own abilities, talents and strengths, and is not paralyzed by doubts. They have assurance in their own beliefs and are not looking for the approval of others, knowing it’s not needed.
  • Knows they have much to offer the world, and respect the value they bring to life. They treat others well and expect the same in return.
  • Is certain, yet realistic, about the goals they will achieve. They believe in their plans, and failure is regarded as a temporary setback or challenge.  A confident person is comfortable in taking on challenges and acting even in the face of risk.
  • Identifies themselves with other confident people. They celebrate others’ successes and relish in the realization of people’s inherent potential.
  • Dreams big and acts on those dreams. They can picture themselves as successful in whatever they do.
  • Accepts the recognition of others rather than diminishing or deflecting such recognition as if they believe it can’t possibly be warranted.
  • Accepts themselves as they are, yet are open to feedback that will help them become better.
  • Is open to new ideas and is willing to entertain them.
  • Is willing to accept mistakes.
  • Is always prepared to do their best.

Confidence is like a muscle – it has to be exercised to get strong.  It requires plenty of preparation and practice, and can be achieved by anyone who has a desire to be more confident in their lives!  Utilize these 3 steps to build your confidence muscle:

  • Step 1 – Celebrate your wins. By recognizing your successes, whether it’s making a difficult phone call or learning a new skill, giving yourself a pat on the back for successes – large and small – will boost your confidence. When you win, make the time to stop, celebrate and savor. 
  • Step 2 – Learn from your mistakes, We all stumble and make mistakes, especially when learning or trying something new. Mistakes indicate that we have movement, we are making an effort and moving forward, even if there is a detour. The more we try something new, the more mistakes (learning opportunities) we have. People who do not make mistakes are standing still in safe territory, or their comfortable routines. And, when you think about it, isn’t that a mistake?Step 3 – Keep trying. People who achieve their goals don’t stop until they’ve reached the finish line. When we want to win big, we must be willing to miss, learn and try again.

With persistent and determined action, you’re guaranteed an eventual win. So, remember to celebrate, learn, and keep at it…and I’ll see you in the winner’s circle!